Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Narrative Essay on the Life of Frederick Douglass Essay Example for Free

Narrative Essay on the Life of Frederick Douglass Essay In the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave Frederick Douglass recounts his life of slavery and his eventual flight to freedom. When he was a youngster he was placed in a household in which the naive mistress started to teach him to read. Her efforts were halted by her husband and young Douglass recalled his lecture on the reasons slaves should not be educated. However the brief lessons placed within Douglass the desire to continue to learn, by whatever means possible, to read and to write. He had discovered that education and literacy was to be his â€Å"pathway from slavery to freedom. † Douglass illustrates that literacy is the most important asset a man can ac-quire if he is to achieve life-changing goals. Douglass’ new ambition to become literate had both positive and negative effects. His new desire filled him â€Å"high hope and a fixed purpose† and his life was fundamentally changed from that early time in life. His quest for literacy was fueled with confidence that his future life would be radically different and better once he had mastered reading and writing. However it was not without negative effects as well. The more he learned of slavery the more he hated his own condition and the slave-owners that created it. As his masters became aware of his ability he was constantly watched as they tried to prevent him from reaching his goal. For a slave the path to literacy was very difficult. However the path to literacy led Douglass to consequences he could not have im-agined. An entirely new world was opened for him, and with literacy came knowledge of a life that slaves had been denied. With literacy eventually came knowledge of religion and the great Abolition movement. The greatest consequence of literacy was freedom of the mind and freedom of thought, and literacy became for Douglass the tool with which he would become his own â€Å"master†. Literacy was for Douglass and other slaves a power which they had been denied. Ignorance and illiteracy were tools more powerful than the whip and chains, and were used effectively by the slave-owners to keep slaves in submission. The slave owners un-derstood this and feared literate and educated slaves who would now know there is no truth in the slave-owner’s belief that they â€Å"should know nothing but to obey his master. † Slave owners knew the desire for literacy would spread among the slaves and would be the essential method for their eventual freedom. It was a power the slave owners were not willing to give to their slaves. Douglass defines literacy not only by describing the obvious ability to read and write, but shows true literacy as the ability to understand and communicate thoughts, de-sires, and emotions. Douglass shows literacy as being the true bond between free men and the method to unite against slavery and oppression. Literacy unites man while ignorance and illiteracy keeps man isolated from the rest of the world. Although Narrative was written over one hundred and sixty years ago it still serves as a valid reminder of the power of literacy, which remains the most important as-set a man can acquire. With literacy all things are possible, and without it the illiterate become slaves to ignorance.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Essay -- History, Atomic Bomb

With the approval of American President Harry S. Truman, the fates of two Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were sealed. This decision came with heavy hearts, as the United States attempted to end their involvement in World War II by using nuclear power against the nation of Japan. Truman’s primary goal in this form of attack was to discontinue the war as quickly as possible, while also sending a message to the enemy and establish the United States as the leader in atomic energy. Beginning as a secret operation labeled the Manhattan Project, atomic bombs became the new weapons of mass destruction. The evident frontrunner in nuclear technology, the United States was the first country to release atomic bombs on another nation for war purposes (not including testing), eventually creating a window for today’s modern combat. Even though it was common knowledge between scientists since 1939 that nuclear warfare was a possibility, no specialists understood the process of inventing the explosive devices. The United States, along with the United Kingdom, underhandedly worked on the Manhattan project, doling out and collaborating information until the atom bomb was completed. It was a necessity for this international government project to remain a secret, in order to make sure that Germany did not make any atomic discoveries before the Allied powers, and to surprise the Japanese with the bombings. With this goal in mind, it was essential that information would not Due to this cloak-and-dagger secrecy, the attacks were unexpected to the inhabitants of Japan, especially the residents of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. With specific objectives, the United States’ decision to drop an atomic bomb on Hiroshima required extensive research lea... ...tops within ten miles of the city there came unofficial and confused reports of a terrible explosion in Hiroshima. All of these reports were transmitted to the Headquarters of the Japanese General Staff† (Avalon Project: Chapter 7, par. 3) .Upon a staff officer’s flight survey of Hiroshima, â€Å" after flying for about three hours, while still nearly 100 miles from Hiroshima, he and his pilot saw a great cloud of smoke from the bomb. In the bright afternoon, the remains of Hiroshima were burning† (Avalon Project: Chapter 7, par. 4-5). While the damage was being observed, â€Å"a great scar on the land, still burning, and covered by a heavy cloud of smoke, was all that was left of a great city. They landed south of the city, and the staff officer immediately began to organize relief measures, after reporting to Tokyo† (Avalon Project: Chapter 7, par. 6).

Monday, January 13, 2020

Aliens Existence

Aliens Existence This is a never ending debate. Do aliens really exist? Does anyone have proof that aliens exist? If they do, why can’t we spot them with the help of our space instruments? Why don’t they fly down to our planet as we do to theirs? The questions keep boggling minds of kids and adults alike. But the truth remains that aliens do really exist. There are simply established facts and reported incidents, some even with videos, with proof that aliens really exist.Yes, aliens do exist, but there is some clarification that must come first before concerning what you mean by aliens. Aliens do exist and if we want a wide interpretation of the word alien, including all living consciousness that are not us, not residing near us or of the same grouping as ourself, then we would open a Pandora's Box and this argument would need to be as long as an entire book. Everything you perceive from earth, rocks, insects, trees, flowers and humans is composed of living consciousnes s, not of course of our same level of comprehension, but living matter nevertheless.Fortunately we know what we mean when we talk of aliens, so other than to say that the experience of even animals is so different that they could almost be classified as aliens to our world, and it is amazing that we can co-exist as well as we do. So we will not include other living consciousness less than our own or that we do not perceive, but try to limit our explanation to similar types of living beings that we would like to sit down with and enjoy conversation and a cup of coffee.We will not be considering animals here either or any of the countless realities that swirl through, around close to our own physical earth. We cannot perceive them, but that doesn't mean that they don't exist, and quite as real as our earth. (Meagher) This subject covers so much ground that the best we can do is scratch the surface. I think one of the great ironies of our civilization at this stage of its development i s the question â€Å"Are we alone? â€Å", since we are not even alone on our own planet, but we will never meet an alien walking down the street, tip your hat and say â€Å"have a good day sir†.I hope we get the inference here that all aliens are not materialized in the same way we are, and the general rule is that we only see our own kind. Why is this? It is because our perceptions are highly tuned to create (form) reality along certain lines, within certain highly specialized fields, and then to perceive what we have created that falls within those specific parameters. Other realities that have been created by others not like us, but just as valid, will be totally out of our range of perception, so to speak, and in physical terms, we will never be able to perceive them.That does not mean that we will forever be unable to communicate with them, and as our abilities grow, we will learn to use inner communications to contact other civilizations that we would otherwise be un able to sense using your physical perceptions. There are literally countless physical and non-physical realities with beings at least equal to or more advanced than our own, swirling around, through and near our dear planet earth and we will never rub shoulders with them. They are as real as we are to our own kind, but to us they have no substance, seem to lack physical structure, and will remain invisible.They utilize the same properties of the earth as we do, but to them, (Allan)our constructions do not exist. They will never bump into a pyramid or an empire state building, yet they might indeed walk through them, and we walk through their constructions every day. (Allan) Needless to say, there are countless realities that have no need for physical form and exist in what could only at this time be likened to our dream reality and of course, their experience, value satisfactions and growth is not dependent on atomic structure to the extent ours is.They do not need a planet or a sta r to exist and could actually exist in what we would call empty space. Of course, to them, the space would not be empty at all, but filled with a different kind of psychic constructions, a reality, quite as real as our own. In our universe, there are countless systems of reality, and physical systems are not the norm. The most advanced entities and their home systems are not physical at all and the need for physical expression decreases as the inhabitants of any plane evolve and progress.The highest entities do not occupy physical systems, although they and others like themselves have created many systems, worlds and universes, even though they evolved from other systems and never experienced physical reality. Now here is what you really want to know. There are what we could call â€Å"parallel realities†, that have originated within the same overall universal camouflage system as ours, gone on to other planets in your solar system and universe and do have the ability to trav el through our same space, utilizing technologies far superior to anything we may now envision.These beings by the sheer nature of their advanced technologies do have the ability to traverse the immense distances required to reach other inhabited planets. Their technologies and advanced understanding of the true nature of the universe, allow them to take shortcuts to their destinations. Space is not really what it looks like to us and others see through the illusion and can penetrate space in ways that are difficult to explain. Space and all it seems to contain is simply your interpretation of available fields of energy that you mentally configure into something that makes sense to us. Meagher) It is fascinating to watch human behavior that continues to be egocentric. Why else would they keep on debating the issue of proof that aliens exist, when they have hard core proof in their hands? Extra-terrestrials or aliens have been given a kind of artistic figure by Hollywood movies and w e believe that if aliens exist, they would look like that. But question remains, what if aliens exist in any other form than the physical entity like ours? How do we then find proof that aliens exist?The Universe is huge and to give proof that aliens exist would be no small a matter. Yet we have proof that aliens exist in real. A flying disc was seen once by pilots, crew members and many other people standing at Chicago O’Hare Airport in November 2006. This story was brought out on CNN and this is one undeniable proof that aliens exist. Works Cited Allan, William. â€Å"Do Aliens Really Exist? † Platinum Author 8 August 2008. Meagher, L. D. â€Å"Review Confirmation. † 29 July 1998. Aliens Existence Aliens Existence This is a never ending debate. Do aliens really exist? Does anyone have proof that aliens exist? If they do, why can’t we spot them with the help of our space instruments? Why don’t they fly down to our planet as we do to theirs? The questions keep boggling minds of kids and adults alike. But the truth remains that aliens do really exist. There are simply established facts and reported incidents, some even with videos, with proof that aliens really exist.Yes, aliens do exist, but there is some clarification that must come first before concerning what you mean by aliens. Aliens do exist and if we want a wide interpretation of the word alien, including all living consciousness that are not us, not residing near us or of the same grouping as ourself, then we would open a Pandora's Box and this argument would need to be as long as an entire book. Everything you perceive from earth, rocks, insects, trees, flowers and humans is composed of living consciousnes s, not of course of our same level of comprehension, but living matter nevertheless.Fortunately we know what we mean when we talk of aliens, so other than to say that the experience of even animals is so different that they could almost be classified as aliens to our world, and it is amazing that we can co-exist as well as we do. So we will not include other living consciousness less than our own or that we do not perceive, but try to limit our explanation to similar types of living beings that we would like to sit down with and enjoy conversation and a cup of coffee.We will not be considering animals here either or any of the countless realities that swirl through, around close to our own physical earth. We cannot perceive them, but that doesn't mean that they don't exist, and quite as real as our earth. (Meagher) This subject covers so much ground that the best we can do is scratch the surface. I think one of the great ironies of our civilization at this stage of its development i s the question â€Å"Are we alone? â€Å", since we are not even alone on our own planet, but we will never meet an alien walking down the street, tip your hat and say â€Å"have a good day sir†.I hope we get the inference here that all aliens are not materialized in the same way we are, and the general rule is that we only see our own kind. Why is this? It is because our perceptions are highly tuned to create (form) reality along certain lines, within certain highly specialized fields, and then to perceive what we have created that falls within those specific parameters. Other realities that have been created by others not like us, but just as valid, will be totally out of our range of perception, so to speak, and in physical terms, we will never be able to perceive them.That does not mean that we will forever be unable to communicate with them, and as our abilities grow, we will learn to use inner communications to contact other civilizations that we would otherwise be un able to sense using your physical perceptions. There are literally countless physical and non-physical realities with beings at least equal to or more advanced than our own, swirling around, through and near our dear planet earth and we will never rub shoulders with them. They are as real as we are to our own kind, but to us they have no substance, seem to lack physical structure, and will remain invisible.They utilize the same properties of the earth as we do, but to them, (Allan)our constructions do not exist. They will never bump into a pyramid or an empire state building, yet they might indeed walk through them, and we walk through their constructions every day. (Allan) Needless to say, there are countless realities that have no need for physical form and exist in what could only at this time be likened to our dream reality and of course, their experience, value satisfactions and growth is not dependent on atomic structure to the extent ours is.They do not need a planet or a sta r to exist and could actually exist in what we would call empty space. Of course, to them, the space would not be empty at all, but filled with a different kind of psychic constructions, a reality, quite as real as our own. In our universe, there are countless systems of reality, and physical systems are not the norm. The most advanced entities and their home systems are not physical at all and the need for physical expression decreases as the inhabitants of any plane evolve and progress.The highest entities do not occupy physical systems, although they and others like themselves have created many systems, worlds and universes, even though they evolved from other systems and never experienced physical reality. Now here is what you really want to know. There are what we could call â€Å"parallel realities†, that have originated within the same overall universal camouflage system as ours, gone on to other planets in your solar system and universe and do have the ability to trav el through our same space, utilizing technologies far superior to anything we may now envision.These beings by the sheer nature of their advanced technologies do have the ability to traverse the immense distances required to reach other inhabited planets. Their technologies and advanced understanding of the true nature of the universe, allow them to take shortcuts to their destinations. Space is not really what it looks like to us and others see through the illusion and can penetrate space in ways that are difficult to explain. Space and all it seems to contain is simply your interpretation of available fields of energy that you mentally configure into something that makes sense to us. Meagher) It is fascinating to watch human behavior that continues to be egocentric. Why else would they keep on debating the issue of proof that aliens exist, when they have hard core proof in their hands? Extra-terrestrials or aliens have been given a kind of artistic figure by Hollywood movies and w e believe that if aliens exist, they would look like that. But question remains, what if aliens exist in any other form than the physical entity like ours? How do we then find proof that aliens exist?The Universe is huge and to give proof that aliens exist would be no small a matter. Yet we have proof that aliens exist in real. A flying disc was seen once by pilots, crew members and many other people standing at Chicago O’Hare Airport in November 2006. This story was brought out on CNN and this is one undeniable proof that aliens exist. Works Cited Allan, William. â€Å"Do Aliens Really Exist? † Platinum Author 8 August 2008. Meagher, L. D. â€Å"Review Confirmation. † 29 July 1998.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Devry Psyc 110 Midterm Exam - Latest Essay - 1459 Words

DeVry PSYC 110 Midterm Exam - Latest IF You Want To Purchase A+ Work Then Click The Link Below , Instant Download If You Face Any Problem E- Mail Us At JOHNMATE1122@Gmail.Com Question 1.1. (TCOs 1, 2) Participants in research early in psychology’s history might have been asked to view a chair and describe its color, shape, texture, and other aspects of their conscious experience. These individuals would have been using a method called (Points : 2) hypnosis. objective introspection. psychosurgery. psychoanalysis. Question 2.2. (TCO 4) As part of a psychology experiment, Brett decides to†¦show more content†¦(Points : 2) The moon looks much larger near the horizon than it looks when it is higher in the sky. The light from distant stars moving rapidly away from us is shifted toward the red end of the spectrum. Stars can be seen only with difficulty during the daytime. A dim star viewed at night may disappear when you look directly at it, but reappear when you look to one side of it. Question 7.7. ( TCO 4) What are the five primary tastes? (Points : 2) Hot, sour, spicy, sweet, origami Salty, sour, spicy, sweet, tart Bitter, salty, sour, sweet, umami Peppery, salty, sour, sweet, acidic Question 8.8. (TCO 4) Dizziness, nausea, and disorientation may result if the information from the eyes conflicts a little too much with that from the vestibular organs, according to the _____ of motion sickness. (Points : 2) sensory conflict theory motor conflict theory vestibular conflict theory semicircular canal conflict theory Question 9.9. (TCO 5) Judith is startled when her 6-year-old daughter, Laura, sleepwalks into the family room. It is most likely that Laura is experiencing the _____ stage of the sleep cycle. (Points : 2) REM first second fourth Question 10.10. (TCO 5) A client tells his therapist about a dream of riding on a train with his boss. At the end of the